Wednesday, June 17, 2015

EWU with 459 Faculty Called Full-Time, Only Three Women, Only Eleven Are Not White = Discrimination by Washington State June 17, 2015

Eastern Washington University Shows America and the World the Shameful Truth of Discrimination against Women and Persons of Color.
"How did she take on that identity so easily at Eastern Washington? Ms. Brooks, the San Antonio scholar, has a theory. According to Eastern Washington's numbers, 11 of the university's 459 full-time faculty members are black. Just three are women. (Like many institutions, Eastern Washington does not track part-time faculty members by race.)
Ms. Dolezal "couldn't have gotten away with this in places like D.C., Atlanta, or New Orleans," said Ms. Brooks. But in Spokane, where just over 2 percent of the population is black, the calculus is different."