Monday, June 11, 2012

Philosophy and Logic, via John Kozy "The History of Knowledge: Darkness in the Acacemy," June 07, 2012 on Global Research

Professor of Philosophy and Logic, John Kozy's article reviews the history of knowledge, beginning the the Golden Age of Greece, through Rome, the Middle Ages, and with the establishment of Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. He ends with the current climate in higher education. Kozy argues that
"These universities were established as fundamentalist vocational training institutions by ignorant people. They were not established to further knowledge. They are madrassas, Sunday schools, one and all."
For more of Kozy's argument that colleges and universities, as institutions, are mandated to stop knowledge, not further it, read the complete article at the following link:

"The History of Knowledge: Darkness in the Academy. By John Kozy. Published on Global Research June 7, 2012.